Need help navigating complex human-resources issues? Blog Author Eva DuPont and Infiniti HR help beauty-based businesses navigate payroll, benefits, workmans' comp claims, employee relations...

Need help navigating complex human-resources issues? Blog Author Eva DuPont and Infiniti HR help beauty-based businesses navigate payroll, benefits, workmans' comp claims, employee relations and more. 

I meet with several salon owners on a regular basis facing similar challenges—keeping employees happy, enhancing competitiveness, and offering compelling growth opportunities. Despite pouring your heart into your business, true success hinges on understanding and adapting to your employees' needs, no matter their generation.

The core of your business isn’t just your services or products; it's the people representing your brand. By shifting from 'What can my employees do for me?' to 'What can I do for my employees?', you can foster happier teams, boost competitiveness, and enhance productivity.

Let's explore these common issues further and discuss how strategic employee benefits can transform your salon into a magnet for top talent and dedicated professionals.

Why Offering Benefits Will Set Your Salon Apart

As a salon owner, recognizing that your employees are the backbone of your business is crucial. A comprehensive benefits package can significantly distinguish your salon from competitors and improve both attraction and retention of top talent. Here’s how:

1. Attract Top Talent

  • Competitive Edge: A robust benefits package can make your salon more appealing, especially in a competitive job market where skilled stylists and technicians look beyond salary.
  • Broader Applicant Pool: By offering benefits, your salon attracts a wider range of potential employees, enhancing your options during hiring.

2. Retain Skilled Employees

  • Job Satisfaction: Benefits like health insurance and retirement plans contribute to overall job satisfaction, encouraging long-term commitment.
  • Loyalty and Morale: Benefits foster loyalty, motivating employees to excel in their roles.

3. Increase Productivity and Performance

  • Health and Well-being: Access to health care reduces sick days and enhances productivity.
  • Reduced Stress: Financial benefits, like retirement plans, can alleviate stress, allowing employees to focus fully on client service.

4. Enhance Salon Reputation

  • Employer of Choice: Offering excellent benefits enhances your reputation, attracting both clients and industry professionals.
  • Positive Workplace Culture: A supportive environment enhances the client experience and increases retention rates.

5. Benefits to Offer

  • Health Insurance: Including dental and vision plans shows commitment to employee health.
  • Retirement Plans: Offering a 401(k) demonstrates investment in employees' long-term security.
  • Paid Time-Off: Ensures employees maintain work-life balance, increasing satisfaction.
  • Professional Development: Training opportunities benefit both employees and your salon.


Investing in a comprehensive benefits package isn't just a cost; it’s an essential strategy for enhancing your salon’s appeal and operational success. In an industry driven by skilled professionals, ensuring your team feels valued is key to sustainable growth and success.

Eva Dupont, who has more than 16 years of experience in business management and HR, continues to guide salon owners toward thriving, employee-friendly environments through InfinitiHR, a company that helps small businesses manage complex, HR-related services, such as payroll, health benefits, workmans' comp claims, employee relations and human resource outsourcing. Stay tuned to SALON TODAY for more insights on becoming the top choice for both clients and employees.

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