5 Content Ideas to Capture Audience Attention on Social
5 Content Ideas to Capture Audience Attention on Social

With so much uncertainty in the world, it’s essential to keep strong communication with clients through social media channels and online. We asked Monica Hickey, Vice President of Client Services with The Evoke Agency, what strategies salons should be focusing on right now when it comes to digital outreach and growth.

SALON TODAY: How can we build our digital/social audience? What type of content should we be offering?

Hickey: In today's environment when your clients may not be in the salon as often as usual, your social media goal should be to connect with them as often as possible. Stay top-of-mind and on their To-Do or Wish List by providing content that helps them structure their beauty routine in our brave, new world. Here are some ideas: 

  • How-to Instagram Stories/Lives: Your clients rely on you to keep their look fresh, so show them a new technique or remind them how of the basics, like how to use a round brush. That will inspire them to come back for more.
  • Keep clients updated on what's going on in the salon: For clients who may be nervous about returning, set them as ease by showcasing the safety protocols in place at your salon. You can keep this light-hearted, while ensuring them that their safety and your team’s is your top priority.
  • Product recommendations: Your clients may not be leaving their house as often, but ‘Zoom hair’ is a real concern. What products do you retail that could help with at-home maintenance? 
  • Trends: An oldie but a goodie! What styles are you loving? What styles are you seeing from other professionals? Help your clients out by giving them the hair aspiration they need to come back to the chair.
  • Do a Reel: The Instagram algorithm has been prioritizing Reels since the program launched. Posting Reels will increase the probability that your content will be seen.

Should you use paid social media or paid ad words to help acquire new audiences? Yes! Most social channels today are pay-to-play. If expanding your client base is your goal, consider running Instagram Story ads to the zip codes around your salon. My recommendation is to show off your most recent/relevant work that you are proud of—it doesn’t have to be cover-worthy, but it does need to make the potential client think, “I’d like to look like that.”

Always start with a small budget and test your copy, images and geo-location. Start with $5 a day and see how it performs.

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